Monday, 27 July 2015

The Half Year Review

In a follow up to my post back in March about my quarter year resolutions, I thought I better follow up with my goals and whether I managed to fulfil them or not and what I could do to improve things I want to change, so here goes nothing..

  1. Join the gym - NOPE. In all seriousness, it's a working progress, that isn't progressing as much as I would hope. But I am still getting in regular exercise with workouts from home and jogging. Don't worry it WILL happen.
  2. Settle in to my new job  - Well I actually managed to do this, much to the guys I work with's dismay, I've very much made myself at home and seemed to of picked up the work quite quickly, onwards and upwards.
  3. Get a new hairstyle  - Christ I'm doing better than I expected, also got this done, I had a purple ombre which was bloody awesome, but unfortunately, purple doesn't tend to stick around for too long, I even got a full fringe cut in, which lasted about 10 minutes because I'm too lazy to maintain it everyday.

  4. Get clearer skin - Lush is all I really need to say here, give your skin a breather, use ultrabland, a face mask now and again, grease lightening and gorgeous moisturiser and your skin will love you, speaking of skin, also been using Dover Summer Glow all over which has been making my skin so much softer and I've even got a bit of colour to me, win, win.
  5. Lose a bit of weight - NOPE. Unfortunately, I love food and I have a real lack of will power, but I have definitely cleaned up my diet a lot, it's just clearing it up more so and exercising more regularly, by my third quarter resolution review I'll be well on my way to being ripped.
  6. Exercise at least three times a week  - Once again, not quite there yet, but well on my way, I've started going jogging with my friend Heather, going to aim to jog twice a week, badminton once a week and go to the gym three mornings a week when I finally get my act together.
  7. Cut down on fast food  - Uhhhhm, yeaaaaaah. Haven't done brilliantly with this one, still eating fast food every week, going to try and aim to go a month without it and go from there in the mission to cut crap food out of my life.
  8. Sort out my finances  - Well my finances aren't terrible they could just clearly be better, unfortunately (not that I'm making excuses for myself) I have an expensive couple of months coming up, what with my boyfriend's birthday, Reading Festival and our anniversary I'll just be scraping by for a while.
  9. Get whiter teeth  - YES! Something I've actually done and done it well, don't get me wrong, I don't have Ross Gellar's pearly whites, but I'm well on my way, I would 100% recommend the Crest 3D White Strips, the only down side is for the first 24 hours your teeth may be particularly sensitive.
  10. Take up Yoga  - To be absolutely honest, I've not made any attempt to do this one, but when I get my arse in gear and join the gym I will start yoga classes too. I know it will be beneficial for me but it's just convincing my lazy arse.
So in the next three months, I will do another quarter resolution review and report back with my results and other things I hope to achieve this year. Hopefully I'll be a tad more successful and motivated.

All my love,


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