Afternoon and welcome to 2016! I know it's been a whole month since my last blog post, I have no real excuse but I have been pretty busy with solicitors and mortgage advisors due to 2016 being the year my boyfriend and myself finally buy our own home and move in, pretty crazy eh?
Anyway as cliche as it sounds, there is something very refreshing about a new year, like reading a brand new book, you have 366 days of the unknown ahead of you and you are the Author of this book, so you better make it a good one.
2016 is going to be a pretty crazy and wild year for me, the past couple of years haven't been the best for me 2014 was riddled with Nan's cancer and battling with my own depression, while 2015 started with my Nan's funeral, I had two car crashes and got pneumonia. Every year has it's up and downs but I'm planning on 2016 to be a cracker filled with fun, memories and celebrations.
I haven't really planned any resolutions as such, just to be a generally better version of my current self, Bex 2.0 so to speak, but there are a couple of things that I could list which I would hope to achieve this year.
1. Look after myself
Just generally be more responsible for myself, stop eating crap, exercise more regularly, look after my skin, hair and nails better and just be happy with myself.
2. Be more responsible
With buying a house comes a lot of financial responsibility, although we can easily afford the house, it's about time that I become more in control of my money and what I spend it on, especially now I need to save to furnish my house to my standards. But not just financially, this sort of refers back to point one, just be more responsible for my money, my health and my happiness.
3. Love myself
One of my main goals is to actually love who I am and what I look like, to do that, I plan to change things up a bit, I'm going to treat myself to a new hair cut and colour, I've signed up to the gym, so it's just a case of dragging my arse down there and style myself better as well.
4. Put down the phone
I find myself constantly glued to my phone, even if I'm watching a film, I'll be browsing insta at the same time, so I need to put some distance between me and my phone to be in the moment and actually be able to appreciate life through my eyes rather through a phone.
5. Relationship quality time
I can't stress how important in a relationship Date Night is, you don't even have to leave the house for it (although it's ideal) and set aside some quality time between you and your significant other. Where I spend so much time with my Boyfriend, sometimes I feel like it's not always quality time and when we're together it's just in each others company rather than quality time with each other. All relationships need quality time together and quality time on your own as well. Also don't forget no matter how busy you are, always make time for your friends, whether it's just a quick coffee or a bit of window shopping, it's always nice to know you're being thought about.
Anyway, another one of my Bex 2.0 improvements is to make sure I blog at least once a week and to set aside more time for myself, for the books, baths and face masks.
I wish you all a happy, healthy and fun filled 2016 and I'll speak to you guys again soon.
All my love,
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