Sunday 8 November 2015

Lush Bath Bomb Review - Lord of Misrule

Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you, my new favourite bath bomb..

Yeah I went there, I cannot say much to you about the Lord of Misrule bath bomb apart from, buy as many as you physically can so you can stock up your stash for the year (at least that's what I'm planning on doing).

Lord of Misrule is part of the Lush Winter/Halloween range which means it's not around all year, much to my intense dismay. One of my pals had quite recently tried LOM before me and said I was in for a treat and boy, he was not wrong. The intoxicating herbal scent of patchouli and black pepper oil releases your inner witch and the fragrance lingers on your skin for quite some time after your soak.

The exterior of LOM's appearance is a gentle green colour with pink specks, it seems pretty ordinary from first impressions, but once you submerge the bath bomb, the bath water turns a vibrant green and the scent fills the room instantaneously. Again for a while you feel like this is the climax of the bath bomb's display which is pretty spectacular in it's own right and gives a pretty spooky feel on scent and sight alone, but then a further development begins to happen.

The pink foam erupts from the core of the bath bomb adding to this amazing effect, it really is incredible to watch this bath bomb develop, mean while revelling in it's pungent fragrance.

The foam from LOM eventually disperses leaving you bathing in blood red water, the water is so soothing for your winter skin and the scent lingers for so long after it's dispersal. While the whole visual display of LOM is commencing in the core of the bath bomb itself is popping candy to add that festive effect. As much as I hate to say it, I can see why LOM is only a winter bath bomb, but it's just so perfect I need it in my life all year round.

Anyway, make sure you stock up now before Lord of Misrule is gone for another year!

All my love,


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