Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Times a changing

Good Evening one and all,

Tonight I thought I would discuss, the so far whirl wind of 2016, getting my act together and changing with the times.

After many, many, many years of trying to lose weight and get my dream body, I feel like I have finally found my mojo, the get up and go I've been searching for.

This all came about when me and my bestie decided, you know what, enough is enough, I'm sick of being the human equivalent of a manatee, something needs to be done. Generally I am better at dieting, she is better at working her arse off. So we came to the agreement whoever reaches their first goal by X time will receive a reward, now my overwhelming competitiveness has recently really spurred me on and actually got my arse in gear to do what I've wanted to do for so long. So far I have only lost 7lbs, but I think it was because I thought, you know what if I just do my normal calorie counting and be sensible with what I'm eating then the weight will just fall off. A) that's not how it works, b) dieting alone will not tone up those bingo wings honey.

So about 2 weeks ago, I decided to give my weight loss that extra oomph and join the gym, personally I hate the gym, because people sit around on machines scrolling through insta when I want to be using them or they sweat everywhere and don't wipe it up with a towel ugh. But I have continued to bite the bullet regardless, so the plan is continue to be sensible with eating, stay within 1500 calories consumption and aim to burn 1000 calories per gym session 3 to 5 times a week.

Once I have finally moved into the house I've purchased with my significant other in 7 weeks then I will hopefully do a home work out before work then do a work out after work at the gym, whether that happens or not, remains to be seen.

Either way I have taken a before photo and when I get to my body goal, I will take an after photo and compare the two. But one of the most important things to remember about a healthy lifestyle, is the fact it's a lifestyle, it's not a quick fix and then you can go back to your old ways once you've got to your goal, because give it 6 months, you will be straight back where you started. This isn't to say you can't live or enjoy yourself, I'm struggling with the phrase "cheat day" because I work hard all week, if I want a treat, that's called life, not cheating, you're not doing anything wrong, you are enjoying what you have worked for, what you have earned, it's all about balance.

Anyway after that rant, fingers crossed if all goes to plan and I work my socks off, in six months, I'll be even more of a babe than I already am, brace yourself.

All my love,


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