Monday, 16 March 2015

Turning over a new leaf

So to my previous blog post this will probably be quite similar, but it's more based upon personal goals for me that may or may not be adaptable for yourself.

Due to starting a new job NEXT MONDAY, I know it's come around quick, I've decided this is a prime time opportunity to turn over a new leaf, now I think quarter year resolutions are slightly unusual but I was so shit at sticking to my new year's resolution, plus you don't need to wait a whole year to change yourself for the better.

I would thoroughly encourage the idea of a quarter year resolution, just to review what you have acheived so far through the year (got a new job and got my self into a good mental health situation) and what I wish to achieve within the next three months.

So here it begins:

  1. Join the gym - It's all well and good working out at home, more than good to be fair, but sometimes you need to be in an environment where everyone has the same target and mind set as you, and of course you're not surrounded by cakes and biscuits.
  2. Settle in to my new job  - Seems a bit obvious I know, but it's a bloody lot of information to take on, so many new things to learn and I want to focus a lot of my efforts on excelling in this job.
  3. Get a new hairstyle  - As before in my previous blog post, don't change your appearance for anyone but yourself. Now I have missed my purple hair for quite some time, I was thinking of getting ombre hair to be more natural, but I'm too attached to looking like a grape. Plus my hair is in absolute dire need of a trim, probably not going to go for any dramatic change cut wise as I'm trying to grow it out again.
  4. Get clearer skin - I've been saying this forever, but I'm so crap at sticking to a skin care routine, I'm sometimes too lazy or too tired to even take my make up off before bed, grim I know. The Lush, skin care products are the way forward so I will try and set up a skin care routine, stick to it and report back in three months with my results.
  5. Lose a bit of weight - As before with my previous post, I am perfectly happy with my figure at the moment, doesn't mean I can't improve on it though, I am unfortunately classed as being over weight, not dramatically, but slightly. So I would just like to lose a couple of stone just to get me back into the safe zone of a healthy and happy weight.
  6. Exercise at least three times a week  - Now something really needs to be done about my diet and exercise, I get out of breath climbing the stairs for christ sake, so the aim is to exercise at least three times a week if not more, hopefully going to take badminton back up as well.
  7. Cut down on fast food  - Once again relating to diet and exercise, if you saw my bank statements, it's not great, it's predominately fast food transactions, I'm trying to save up for a house at the moment so maybe not getting McDonald's five times a week (exaggerated) might help me financially as well as health and diet wise.
  8. Sort out my finances  - Also relating to previous post, I want to try and save up more money, stop spending so much money on crap and generally just try and be a bit more financially savvy by making pack lunches rather than eating out and so on.
  9. Get whiter teeth  - Something I've been trying to do for a while but really half arsing it and not really fully committing to it, so going to try a whitening session once or twice a week, once again, report back progress in three months.
  10. Take up Yoga  - Also something I've been meaning to do for a while and still not really committed to it, I really feel like when I actually do Yoga, it helps with my back problems, calms my anxiety, tones my body and just generally makes me feel pretty fantastic, so I'm hoping to stick to it.

So these are ten things I hope to achieve over the next three months, I will do another quarter resolution review and report back with my results and other things I hope to achieve this year.

All my love,


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