So sorry I'm running late with this post, I've had a mad hectic week with interviews and work, anyway enough rambling, this blog post has really been done multiple times before, but its my take on body image, the unrealistic ideals for body image and positive thinking.
Now the main things that worries me in regards to unrealistic body image imposed by forms of medium is the fact they are indeed unrealistic. Some women who are deemed to be some of the most beautiful women in the world have even been misled by unrealistic body ideals and decided to take action to modify themselves through plastic surgery or other means to fit that ideal, whether that be; botox, breast implants, hair extensions and teeth whitening. People have the idea engraved in to their mind they need to be super slim, long hair, white teeth, clear skin, big breasts, perky bottom and big lips that people are going to extreme lengths to reach those ideals.
I'm not sure if you guys have seen the image of 'Barbie' with realistic body measurements, if not I'll pop it in, but it just goes to show, young girls even from a young age are hypnotised with these unrealistic body image ideals which are completely unobtainable.
The purpose of this post was to banish those ideals, who gives a toss to be quite honest, I can guarantee any body image issue you are experiencing whether you think you are too big, too slim, too short, too tall, you a perfect just how you are, all your lumps and bumps, all of your curves and edges, that is what makes you, you. This post wasn't to shame anyone, do whatever makes you feel comfortable, if you want breast implants do it, if you know it will fulfil whatever need you are looking for do it, but do it for you, don't do it to fit someone else's ideals. As Ned Flanders once said;
Now another thing I wanted to tackle for the love of god, STOP shaming/putting yourselves down, as of recent I've been trying to practice self love, so whenever I say something negative about myself, either my boyfriend or myself will pick up on it. If I'm due on and I'm not feeling my tip toppiest and I'm bloated, with skin break outs and an incredible hulk like mental state, rather than purely focus on those negative things, I'll try and pick out something that makes me feel good in that moment, "I'm having a good eye brow game today"and "my stomach looks so flat". Even if you really feel quite desperately in that moment you can't see anything which makes you feel good about yourself, do something that makes you feel good about yourself. I personally like to have a nice Lush bubble bath and a face mask, settle down with a book and a coffee or do a really intense work out just to banish any negative thoughts.
This idea works for several different things, as to my previous blog post as of recent my anxiety seems to be creeping back up now and again, but I'm keeping it under wraps without medication, to control this if I feel anxious as before, do a work out, watch your favourite film, have a day out with a friend and just generally spoil yourself.
Focus on positive reinforcement, as I child, if you did something good, you would get a treat, do the same with positive thinking, the more you think positively everything will seem less of a struggle, optimism is key to a healthy lifestyle.
Well I hope this post has been some form of reinforcement that you are indeed perfect, don't listen to Barbie, the media or the negative thoughts in your mind and tell any haters, "If you can't handle me at my diddliest, you don't deserve me at my doodliest".
All my love,
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