Monday, 29 February 2016

Getting your shit together

For some reason, unbeknownst to me, I don't always make the best decisions for myself in life, probably due to being human and muddling my way through life, by decisions,  I mean things like; having that extra slice of pizza, not going for that morning jog, not taking the time to blog my thoughts, buying that new eyeshadow palette I don't need rather than saving my money for more important things. But as I said, I am a 24 year old human, who has made the formal decision to get her shit together. I know more often than not I write a blog about goals or targets and never actually achieve them, well this time, I'm taking a stand, I'm not letting life pass me by and not using my life to it's fullest potential. I'm sick of toxic, bull shit people who just try and take advantage of your good/naive nature, I don't need those people in my life, the people I do need are the ones who know me best, the ones who know what time I'm on the loo or whether I snore at night.

This blog post is about detoxing and not just my body, but my life, for the past month I have been dieting, thanks to a competition with a friend as to who can lose the most weight by dead line date (27th March) and so far it's going pretty well (apart from the five short bread biscuits I've just stuffed in my mouth), but I feel like there is more I need to do, I need to be more pro active in life.

So I vow to do the following:

  • Get down to 11st 10lbs by 27th March
  • Cut out negative or toxic people
  • Go to the gym at least 3 times a week as well as other exercise
  • Stop spending money on crap
  • Save more
  • Take up yoga
  • Drink more water
  • Read more
  • Spend more quality time with my Boyfriend
  • Enjoy life
Basically just not living my life as if I don't give a shit, I'm about to embark on a massive adventure of owning my own home and finally looking after myself how my body has craved to be for years, I am 25 years old in November, a quarter of a century old and I plan to use the next three quarters of my century to it's maximum potential. I also know in previous posts I have said I will blog more but, new me and I actually will, it's in my interest to write, I love it, I'm just so unmotivated but that's all about to change.

Welcome Bex 2.0